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Serenity is a cool blue almost gray hue that evokes a sense of peace and tranquility. The hue is achieved by mixing blue with white and just a touch of red. As you might expect from a color with this name, serenity can help you find peace in today's otherwise turbulent landscape. The color that best complements serenity is the one exactly opposite on the color wheel: rose quartz. Together, rose quartz and serenity reflect connection and well-being. However, being such a subtle color, serenity also pairs well with other mid-tones, such as deep and light purples, deep greens, rich browns and shades of yellow and pink. Serenity is easy to class up with glitzy accents such as crystal chandeliers, silver or gold fixtures and mirrored surfaces. Because serenity is such an understated color, you can find a home for it in any room. Use it in your dining room via table settings or linens. Create a shower backsplash in serenity-colored tiles, or incorporate it in your baby girl's room. Serenity works especially well in bedrooms, as the color instantly signals to your brain that it's time to take a breath and wind down. Serenity is a quiet color and is therefore ideal for any space in which you want to evoke a sense of calm. Though any space can benefit from its serene effect, the hue works best in living rooms and bedrooms.


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