Man, face and laughing outdoor on beach for vacation, holiday or travel with sunset and lens flare. Asian person, portrait and happy for fresh air, adventure and morning break with sunrise by ocean
Asian man, face and arms crossed in office as professional employee or home loan, insurance or real estate. Male person, portrait and smile for client trust or finance advance, property or confident
Man, religion and congregation for church, sermon and service for memorial, spiritual and guidance. Smile, person and sanctuary to hear, comfort and salvation as christian, gospel and holy spirit
Tablet, research and businessman in office at night working overtime on a financial budget project. Late, career and professional accountant reading on internet with digital technology in workplace.
Business man, happy or coffee at desk by computer, office or espresso for problem solving on work project. Japanese professional, reading and green tea for idea, productivity and inspiration at night
Urban, smile and portrait of businessman in city, outdoor and professional employee. Face, laugh and corporate worker for happy Japanese male person in town, street and lawyer career in Japan
Physiotherapy, office portrait and physiotherapist, man or career expert happy in workspace before physical therapy. Masseuse, chiropractor or massage therapist ready for medical healthcare support


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Numéro de la ressource de stock de type Vidéo : 3430956913

Joyeux, détendez-vous et le visage de l'homme sur un canapé à la maison pour du temps libre, le week-end et le repos l'après-midi. Sourire, rire et portrait de la personne sur canapé avec confiance, attitude positive et fierté dans le salon

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