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Lemon is a pale yellow color that mimics that of the citrus fruit. Lemon, when used sparingly and with the right colors, can be soothing and refreshing. However, you want to be careful when decorating with this vibrant color as it has the tendency to be overbearing. Learn how to decorate with lemon the right way to create a space that is warm, inviting and appealing to the senses. Lemon, when paired with the right colors, can be warming and welcoming. Paint the walls of your kitchen lemon, and anchor the bright hue with black trim and create other places for the eyes to rest by incorporating teal accents. Keep the cabinets white to ensure the space remains light and airy. Use lemon wallpaper in your bedroom. Use another bold color to soften the lemony effect. You can use teal here, or you can try something different, such as coral or red. Ground the daring colors with grays and whites. For a baby’s room, if you want to create a more feminine space for your little one, use lemon and white in equal parts and sprinkle in a bold pink, such as camellia rose or magenta. For a more boyish vibe, sprinkle in hints of turquoise, blue or chambray. Depending on how you use the color, lemon can be bold and loud or soft and understated. Pair it with the right colors to achieve the desired look.


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