
Sea Green

Sea green is a light, muted aqua shade with a bit more depth than a classic mint green pastel. The gray undertones of sea green make it a calming, sophisticated choice for home decor. Although sea green was one of the most popular hues in 1950s design, this cousin of turquoise still looks fresh and modern. For a dynamic, vibrant look, pair this color with accents of deep red-orange. This rich shade is across from blue-green on the color wheel, which makes it a complementary color. For a similar but less dramatic effect, try a warm peach with this shade of green. In a coastal cottage, pair muted green with crisp white for classic beach-house style. Taking advantage of the analogous colors, those next to this green on the color wheel, creates a harmonious effect. Try soft blues and creamy, buttery yellows. Natural elements that bring the outdoors inside have been one of the biggest home trends of the last decade. Sea green fits this aesthetic perfectly when paired with other earthy shades such as taupe, sand and deep stone grays. If you love this shade of green in your home, try incorporating it in your wardrobe. Many designers and fashion magazines include this color in their spring fashion. Go for a green shift dress for spring cocktail parties or emphasize your eyes with pale green shadow.


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