

A soft, bright pink with just a hint of orange, coral is named after the beautiful marine creatures that share its color. This word was first used to describe this particular shade in English in the late 1500s. Coral gets rave reviews because it’s both relaxing and vibrant. The orange undertones evoke joyous energy while the muted quality of the pink provides tropical vibes that might just make you feel like you’re on a secluded island. While this shade is a natural choice for a flowing sundress or a vacation-ready swimsuit, stay on trend by using it in unexpected ways. Think a tailored blazer, chunky athleisure-inspired sneakers or form-fitting skinny jeans. This optimistic hue will also be a favorite for lips and nails. Welcome guests to your home with a wash of warm coral in your entryway. Soft turquoise is its complementary color, so pairing these shades brings out the best in both. Add clean white trim and accents for a beach house inspired look that works even if you’re miles inland. Try this shade of pink with lavender as an unexpected palette for your bathroom if you want pastels that look modern, not stodgy. In a departure from the standard pale pink and baby blue, coral can create a contemporary nursery for your new little one.


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