
Blue Ice

Blue ice is the color that occurs when snow falls on and becomes one with a glacier. When this occurs, air bubbles squeeze out of the glacier and the crystals within become enlarged, thereby making the ice appear blue. Many people wrongly attribute this pale blue color to Rayleigh scattering, the phenomenon that gives the sky its color. Rather, water ice appears blue for the same reason that large amounts of water look blue: the oxygen-hydrogen elasticity in water attracts light at the end of the visible spectrum. What this scientific singularity gives us is a pure, pale, aqua-green hue with jewel undertones. Blue ice is the perfect paint color for any space in which you wish to create a cool, refreshing feel. You can soften the cool effect by utilizing pieces of deep mahoganies and accent pieces of soft green and coral. This color combination would work well in a living room, sitting room, or bedroom. You might see blue ice a lot during the holiday season. Blue ice, when paired with white, silver, and jewel tones can help you achieve a festive yet sophisticated atmosphere. When you pair blue ice with other, deeper tones of blue, you can create a space that is decidedly masculine. Like most natural colors, its use in a space can create a soothing and relaxing vibe.


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