

When most people think of hazelnut, they think of a deep brown or mahogany color. However, hazelnut is actually a very soft, warm color that contains subtle undertones of orange and yellow. Depending on who mixes the color, hazelnut can pass for mauve or mother of pearl. Because hazelnut is such a light neutral, it looks great in just about any space. Paint your living room walls this soothing hue and carry it throughout the rest of your home, playing with various shades of the color in each room. Use a deeper tan to transition from one room to the next and to create a cohesive feeling. Hazelnut looks great with other colors found in nature. Use plants with vibrant green leaves and colorful flowers as your accent pieces in a room with hazelnut features. Incorporate other wood tones, deep blues, deep pinks, and purples to create a cozy, rustic interior. If you want something more airy, paint your walls white and use hazelnut sparingly. Hazelnut pairs well with other neutrals. If modern living is your MO, keep your walls white and decorate with black metal accents and hazelnut wood pieces. Hazelnut, whether used as a wall paint or accent pieces, can make any space instantly warmer and more welcoming. Don't be afraid to play with hazelnut to create the look you desire.


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