Illuminate - Light Leaks

Make your work shine

Captured with a 4K digital cinema camera, Illuminate’s 120 light leaks are designed to add organic elegance to any project. Split into sci-fi, vintage, and modern themed options, this extensive set comes with ambient overlays and gorgeous light-based transitions.

  • 120 light leak elements
  • Practical effects shot on top gear
  • In stunning 4K resolution
Illuminate - Light Leaks on Screen
Efek video Shutterstock Elements


4K Light Leaks

Jenis file.mp4
Kecepatan frame23,976
Ukuran paket3,81 GB
KompatibilitasSemua NLE terkemuka
Musik yang digunakan dalam - Allure

Illuminate features a comprehensive tutorial video. Tutorials are only available in English.

Featured light leak effects (of 120)

Illuminate - Transition - Red Shimmer 3
Illuminate Transition Blue Soft 2
Illuminate - Transition -  SciFi Flare Green 1
Illuminate Transition Green Radial 1
Illuminate Ambience Blue Radial
Illuminate Transition White Liquid 4

Next level support

lluminate comes with an in-depth video tutorial that makes it easy to get your project looking incredible. Find out how to crop and reframe light leaks, control hue and color, and much more.